

Plenary is a place where resolutions can be written and presented by any member of the Association (undergraduate student body), and seek out student support on the issue their resolution raises.

Plenary is held twice during the academic year (once each semester) on a Sunday.

Quorum is required to vote and approve resolutions.  Quorum is 1/3 of the Association (usually about 430 students).

Resolutions can fall into 5 categories:

  • Constitutional amendment
  • Recommendation to admin
  • Ratification of school policy
  • Override decision made in Assembly
  • Creation/amendment of campus-wide policies

Other reasons for Plenary resolutions must be submitted to the SGA Executive Board for review one week after the Resolution Writing Workshop.

2024 Spring Plenary Results:

PACKET: All passed
Resolution #1: Reaffirmation of the SGA Constitution YES: 99.8% / No: 0.2%

Resolution #2: Recommitment to the Values of the Honor Code YES: 99.7% / No: 0.2% / Abstain: 0.1%

Resolution #3: Addition of AI Guidelines to the Bryn Mawr College Honor Code YES: 79.9% / No: 9.5% / Abstain: 10.6%

Resolution #4: Changes to the SGA Constitution Regarding SGA Treasurer Role Description YES: 90.1% / No: 0.5% / Abstain: 9.4%

Resolution #5: Student Finance Committee (SFC) Bylaws Updates YES: 91.5% / No: 0.7% / Abstain: 7.8%

Resolution #6: Creation of the Students for Disability Justice Committee YES: 96.2% / No: 0.4% / Abstain: 3.4%

Resolution #7: Routine Updates to the SGA Constitution YES: 94.9% / No: 0.1% / Abstain: 5%

Resolution #8: Repainting the Tea Pantries in Rhoads YES: 80.4% / No: 9.4% / Abstain: 10.2%

Resolution #9: Creating a Food Pantry at Bryn Mawr College YES: 96.4% / No: 1.1% / Abstain: 2.5%

Resolution #10: Reestablishment of the SGA Kitchen and Reworking of the SLAWC YES: 82.9% / No: 6.3% / Abstain: 10.8%

Resolution #11: Calling for an Immediate and Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza YES: 89.7% / No: 4% / Abstain: 6.3%

Resolution #12: The Development of an SGA Ethical Spending Committee YES: 77.4% / No: 9.3% / Abstain: 13.3%

2022 Fall Plenary Results:

All passed
Resolution 1: Including Uncommon Grounds Within the Meal Plan - PASSED

Resolution 2: Expanding Mental Health Services on Campus - PASSED

Resolution 3: Reorganization of the SGA Constitution - PASSED

Resolution 4: Representative Council Composition Update  - PASSED

Resolution 5: Operation of Representative Council Sessions - PASSED

Resolution 6: SGA Representatives Job Description Changes - PASSED

Resolution 7: SGA Committee Establishment - PASSED

Resolution 8: SGA Executive Board Job Description Update - PASSED

Resolution 9: Modification of Haverford Representative to ‘Tri-Co Representative’ and Modifications to Off-Campus Representative - PASSED

Resolution 10: Reestablishment of the Major Council and Reworking of the Student Curriculum Committee - PASSED

Resolution 11: Paying the SGA Executive Board - PASSED

Resolution 12: Limiting the SGA Budgets of Intramural Sports Teams - PASSED

Resolution 13: Changes to the Student Finance Committee (SFC) Bylaws - PASSED

Plenary Packets:

Spring 2024 Plenary Packet

Spring 2023 Plenary Packet

  • Every resolution passed

Fall 2022 Plenary Packet

  • Every Resolution Passed

Spring 2022 Plenary Packet

Fall 2021 Plenary Packet

Spring 2021 Plenary Packet

Spring 2019 Plenary Packet

Spring 2017 Plenary Packet

Fall 2016 Plenary Packet

Spring 2016 Plenary Packet

Fall 2015 Plenary Packet

Spring 2015 Plenary Packet

Fall 2014 Plenary Packet

Fall 2014 Amended Plenary Resolutions

Spring 2014 Plenary Packet

Spring 2014 Amended Plenary Packet

Fall 2013 Plenary Packet – Quorum not met, resolutions tabled

Spring 2013 Plenary Packet

Fall 2012 Plenary Packet

Spring 2012 Plenary Packet

Fall 2011 Plenary Packet

Plenary Minutes:

Spring 2022 Plenary Minutes

Fall 2021 Plenary Minutes

Spring 2016 Plenary Minutes

Fall 2015 Plenary Minutes

Spring 2015 Plenary Minutes

Fall 2014 Plenary Minutes

Spring 2014 Plenary Minutes

Fall 2013 Plenary Minutes

Spring 2013 Plenary Minutes

Fall 2012 Plenary Minutes

Fall 2011 Plenary Minutes

Spring 2011 Plenary Minutes

Fall 2011 Plenary Minutes

Fall 2009 Plenary Minutes

Fall 2008 Plenary Minutes