Category: Recent Posts
Appointments Round Information
Q: What is an appointed position and who is on the Appointments Committee ?
A: The Appointments Committee which consists of the SGA Vice President and 4 elected student members hold interviews for various positions that are available on campus for the many different committees and clubs that exist. The Appointments Committee chooses the students for the position . There are many rounds: September, sometimes October, November, sometimes February, April, and any other month that there are positions that need to be filled by AMAZING BMC students.
Q: What positions are available and where can I find more info about them ?
A: The positions that are up for appointment are below:
- Access Services Representative
- Board of Trustees Representative
- Film Series Committee
- Go-Board Moderator
- Grad School Representative
- Hell Week Committee
- Campus Greening Representative
- Computer Access Coordinator
- Conflict Management Committee
- Orientation Reorganization Committee
- Outreach and Communications Committee
- Seven Sisters Council Representative
- Social Committee
- Student Finance Committee
- Sustainable Food Committee
To find more info about the positions , please visit the Appointments Committee blog at
If you need to contact the Appointments Committee, email us at
Also, the Appointments Committee will be hosting an information session THIS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th at 7PM in TAYLOR B !
Q: Where can I find the application ?
A: The application will be on the SGA Moodle site labeled Appointments Committee Applications this MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th at 5pm.
Q: So, what does the schedule look like for this September round ?
A: Monday, September 10 th – Sunday, September 16 th –One week of advertisements/ applications are open/ INFO SESSION ON WEDNESDAY FROM 7-8 in TAYLOR B
Sunday, September 16 th – Applications close
Monday, September 17 th –Wednesday, September 26 th –Interviews
Wednesday, September 26 th –Decisions sent via email
Q: I’m a freshman. Can I still apply for a position?
A: Yes. There are many positions available for first year students. Check the appointments blog (address above) for more info under the Rounds Information tab and September Round tab.
Just a reminder club budgets are due tomorrow, Friday, September 14th at 3pm! Please submit your budget on moodle. Also please submit a hard copy of the form to SGA house along with the ticket you received at the club workshop, and sign up for an interview on the second floor of SGA house.
September 9, 2012 Minutes
First SGA Meeting!
Thank you to everyone who came to the first SGA meeting of the semester!
If you click the link below, you can see the SGA 101 PowerPoint that was presented at the September 10, 2012 Meeting.
Here is the PowerPoint from the Bryn Mawr Leadership Orientation Workshop!
Bryn Mawr Leadership Orientation POWERPOINT
Hello Mawrters! We hope you are all having a restful summer and are getting ready for another wonderful year at Bryn Mawr. The Executive Board has been working hard this summer to plan out future meetings, events, and goals that we are excited to introduce to you all in the coming year! Get ready and check back in for more information to come! See you soon! Anassa Kata!
~ 2012-2013 Executive Board
April 22, 2012 Minutes
April 8, 2012 Minutes
April 8 SGA Meeting
Just a reminder that there is a SGA Meeting this Sunday, April 8 in the Campus Center Main Lounge.
- Elections Review
- Campus Center Update
The minutes from the April 1 Meeting are available in the Minutes section of the website.