
SGA Meeting 9/18/22

Meeting Minutes 

Meeting Powerpoint 

Meeting Notes for SGA General Assembly 9/18/22


In Attendance from E-Board:

President Ananya Hindocha ‘23

Vice President Desi Bagot ‘24

Secretary Bryn Osborne ‘24

Co-Treasurer Catherine Fu ‘23

Co-Treasurer Lola Rodrigues ‘23

Honor Board Chair Carlee Warfield ‘23


In Attendance from Administration: Mia Harvey, Student Engagement Coordinator


Groups called to Meeting: Representative Council, Club Representatives


Meeting Agenda

  1. Community Comment
  2. E-Board Introductions
  3. Announcements and Upcoming Events
  4. Rep-Co Attendance
  5. Explanation of Roles
  6. Voiding Elections
  7. Budget Voting
Announcements Minutes

Big Cheese 2022 Minutes and Resources

Big Cheese 2022

Big Cheese Meeting Notes ’22

Announcements Commitees

April Appointments to Committees are OPEN

If you are interested in joining a committee, please check your email from Vice President Desiree Bagot for step-by-step instructions.

If interested in a committee spot, fill out this google form:

Please also sign up for an interview slot with this spreadsheet:



Big Cheese 2022

Big Cheese 2022: April 24th at 8pm in the Campus Center

The event will have a 30-45 minute panel where we will ask the senior staff in attendance the pre-submitted questions. The next 45 minutes will be small group discussions where students will have the opportunity to speak with senior staff one on one or in small groups. Each staff member will have a designated table/area and students are free to float around. The event will also have…. CHEESE and other snacks.

Admin Attending 

President Kim Cassidy

Undergraduate Dean Jennifer Walters

CFO Kari Fazio

Provost Timothy Harte

Title IX Coordinator Kimberly Taylor

Associate Director of Dining Services David Chase


Submit any questions to this google form:





Big Cheese Minutes 11/5/2017

Big Cheese

November 5th 2017

7pm Campus Center



Many members of the administration came and spoke about their roles as well as answering student questions. The notes from each individual section are included below.


SGA Meeting 10-29-17

SGA Meeting 10-29-2017

Campus Center 7pm




In this meeting Nanda talked about the current appointments round going on: apply and encourage others to as well! The Social Committee head, Mary, gave a recap of the Campus Center Halloween party. We discussed some potential questions to ask the administration at Big Cheese next week. Be sure to bring your questions for admin to the event next Sunday, November 5th at 7pm in the Campus Center!


SGA Meeting 10-8-17

SGA Meeting 10-8-17

Campus Center 7pm




This meeting we mainly began to talk about Big Cheese which is coming up on November 5th. People shared recommendations for which admin should be invited to the event. Alisha also began a general report back on the information shared at the Board of Trustees meeting.


SGA Meeting 10-1-17

SGA Meeting 10-1-17

Campus Center 7pm




The beginning of the meeting was spent going over some basic news of events on campus. We broke up into small groups to discuss feelings and provide suggestions for Plenary. We were able to hear check-ins from a few positions on Rep-co. Then the Migrant Right’s Coalition lead an open forum on DACA where students were able to ask and answer questions pertaining to the recent policy changes.


Plenary Minutes



Plenary was held at 7pm on September 24th. There were two new aspects of Plenary added this year. We began the event with student performances show casing some of the amazing groups that are run through our SGA. We also used a new system of voting called voxvote that allowed us to vote online and therefore make the voting time much more efficient. The first five resolutions passed, including changing the SGA mission statement, making the SAAC position co-held, eliminating Robert’s rules of order, creating a new e-board position, and making the appointed committee heads part of the representative council. One resolution, regarding animals in the health center, was tabled. And one resolution ended being resolved independent of SGA.


SGA Meeting Minutes 9/17/17

SGA Meeting 9-17-17

Campus Center 7pm



This SGA meeting was mostly spent discussing Plenary, which is next Sunday September 24th at 7pm in Goodhart. The elections heads announced that current nominations period for Elections is being extended until Wednesday at 7 to include the CPD representative. We are trying a new method of voting this year for Plenary. It is an app called Vox Vote and it is accessible from any device as long as it is connected to wifi. At the meeting we were able to test out the app and decided to proceed with using it for Plenary. The resolutions were all presented at this meeting, the full texts as well as summaries will be available online. Please look out for all emails pertaining to Plenary information in the upcoming week. 2018 won the trivia question so the dark blue and red teams are tied.