Category: Recent Posts
Big Cheese Forum!
Jerry Berenson
Michele Rasmussen
Laurie Koehler
Jane McAuliffe
Posting Policy Draft
Natalie Zamora presented a Plenary resolution last semester to increase posting policy visibility. Another one of her goals was to bring the policy up to date with regards to how people post currently.
Natalie Zamora presented a draft of the posting policy at the last SGA meeting on Sunday, March 31st and received great feedback from the Assembly. She has made revisions to that draft, which we have attached here!
We wanted to try and get as much feedback and comments regarding the policy draft as we can before we present the final draft. Natalie will be having “office hours” where people can come and collaborate on the revision on Wednesday, April 3rd at 7pm and Tuesday, April 9th at 7pm in the Campus Center. She will be presenting another draft at the SGA Meeting on Sunday, April 14th. We would appreciate any input you can give to drafting this policy!
Plenary Survey Part II
Please take this Plenary Survey! It is a followup survey to the one that went out a few weeks ago. We will be implementing the top, most desired changes at the fall 2013 plenary!
March 24, 2013 Minutes
Plenary Survey Powerpoint Results
Here is a presentation of the results from the 2013 Spring Plenary Survey!