
SGA Meeting Minutes – January 29, 2017

SGA Meeting Minutes – January 29, 2017

● Role Call:

  • Announcements:
  • Present: ​Ananya Kumar, Abbie Sullivan, Camila Duluc, Tyler Brown-Cross, Bridget Murray, Kyra Sagal, Sam Heyrich, Catherine Bunza, Sohini Maniar, Genesis Perez-Melara, Nora Dell, Priyanka Dutta, Hannah Henderson-Charnow, Connie Lam, Lillian Oyen-Ustad, Abby Chernila, Dilesha Tanna, Margaret Gorman, Lea Williams, May Zhu, Leticia Robledo, Adriana Gay, Veda Nambi, Juhi Aggarwal, Emma Porter, Nicky Westerduin, Evelyn Aviles, Jasmine Rangel, Madison Brown, Emily Drummond, Emma Lasky, Emma Levin, Claire Gaposchkin, Celeste LedesmaAbsent: ​Katherine Nichols, Precious Robinson, Mariana Garcia, Nikki Shakamuri, Manal Hussain, Jessica Breet, Makeda Wade, Farida Ilboudo, Phoebe Dopulos, Claire Romaine, Sarah Awad
  • The meeting began at 7:10 PM.
  • The Senior Gift Committee will be hosting a “Palentine’s Celebration” on Friday, February 23 in Thomas Great Hall. This event is open to seniors only and will celebrate the 100 days left until the the class of 2017’s commencement. Seniors can also make their gifts at the event via one card or check. For more information please email Sam Heyrich ‘17 at s​​
  • Bridget Murray ‘17 and Kyra Sagal ‘17 announced The Montgomery County Victim Services Center will be visiting campus next week.​Victim Services Center (VSC) provides free and confidential comprehensive support services to crime victims, their families and significant others; prevention education and risk reduction programs, and training to the professionals who work with the victims of these crimes. ​ (​​). They will be tabling on Tuesday, February 7th in the Campus Center from 7-9pm to talk to students about theirservices and how they can serve as off-campus support.
  • Genesis Perez-Melara ‘19, Co-Head of Elections, announced that February Elections are fast-approaching. Candidates’ Forum will take place this Friday, February 3 at 6:30 in Dalton 300. For more information, please email the Elections Co-Heads at ​​.
  • Your Two Cents:
  • Hannah Rifkin ‘17 presented the idea of Bryn Mawr following suit with the University of Michigan in explicitly stating that the College will not partner with any deportation force. Rhea Manglani ‘17 suggested that this idea be revisited during the Plenary Mixer later on in the meeting.
  • Updating the Appointments By-Laws:
  • Shaina Robinson ‘17, Head of the Appointments Committee, presented the updated Appointments Committee By-Laws for approval by the Representative Council. The vote passed by a clear majority. A copy of the updated bylaws can be found in the transcript below.
  • Plenary Mixer:
  • The Assembly and members of SGA present at the meeting split into three groups to discuss proposed some working ideas for Plenary Resolutions. Ideas included a College-wide stance against any deportation force by Hannah Rifkin ‘17, allowing animals in counseling services by Sophia Bokhari ‘20, and a boycott, divest, and sanctions (BDS) protest against the state of Israel by Hannah Henderson-Charnow ‘20.
  • Additional ideas were discussed during the debrief, including a ban on the 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM timeslot for major events and TA sessions to accommodate for student athletes’ games, making the Head of the Residence Council an appointed position instead of an elected one, bringing more Halal and Kosher food into the dining halls, getting rid of 24 Hour Canaday’s 3:00 AM to 6:00 AM time slot, and extending Carpenter’s hours during finals week beyond midnight.
  • Students also discussed ways to improve the accessibility of writing Plenary Resolutions and why students may choose not to write and present a resolution despite having good ideas.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.
  • Next week’s meeting will take place at 2:00 PM in the Campus Center Main Lounge in anticipation of the Super Bowl.


Role Call:

Rhea Manglani ’17: It’s 7:10, we’re going to start the meeting with Role Call.

Rachel Bruce ’18: Hi everyone, I am required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to say that everything said here tonight will be recorded for the minutes.

Present: ​Ananya Kumar, Abbie Sullivan, Camila Duluc, Tyler Brown-Cross, Bridget Murray, Kyra Sagal, Sam Heyrich, Catherine Bunza, Sohini Maniar, Genesis Perez-Melara, Nora Dell, Priyanka Dutta, Hannah Henderson-Charnow, Connie Lam, Lillian Oyen-Ustad, Abby Chernila, Dilesha Tanna, Margaret Gorman, Lea Williams, May Zhu, Leticia Robledo, Adriana Gay, Veda Nambi, Juhi Aggarwal, Emma Porter, Nicky Westerduin, Evelyn Aviles, Jasmine Rangel, Madison Brown, Emily Drummond, Emma Lasky, Emma Levin, Claire Gaposchkin, Celeste Ledesma

Absent: ​Katherine Nichols, Precious Robinson, Mariana Garcia, Nikki Shakamuri, Manal Hussain, Jessica Breet, Makeda Wade, Farida Ilboudo, Phoebe Dopulos, Claire Romaine, Sarah Awad


Rhea Manglani ‘17: Announcements is a time when any member of the Bryn Mawr Community can make an announcement. We have ten minutes for this agenda item, are there any announcements?

Sam Heyrich ‘17: I’m a member of the Senior Gifts Committee and I’m inviting seniors only to our “Palentine’s Day” event on Friday February 23 in Thomas Great Hall. It’s pretty casual, and it’s also our kickoff to fundraising to the Bryn Mawr Fund. You can make your gift via one card, check, etc. There will be delicious Leslie Knope-approved waffles. You don’t have to give your donation at the event. Again, this is a senior-only even. This is also our opportunity to our last 100 days before graduation, which is next Friday. Any questions? You can email me at

Bridget Murray ‘17: Bridget Murray, Class of 2017. Kyra Sagal ‘17: Kyra Sagal, Class of 2017.

Bridget Murray ‘17: ​Campus Safety asked us to pass along that the Montgomery County Victim Services Center will be visiting campus next week. ​Victim Services Center (VSC) provides free and confidential comprehensive support services to crime victims, their families and significant others; prevention education and risk reduction programs, and training to the professionals who work with

the victims of these crimes. ​ (​​). They will be tabling on Tuesday, February 7th in the Campus Center from 7-9pm to talk to students about their services and how they can serve as off-campus support.

Genesis Perez-Melara ‘19: Just a reminder that February Elections are coming soon. Next Friday is Candidates’ Forum. Reminder: if you did get nominated please respond to the email whether you accept or decline your nomination. Tonight is one of the first info sessions in Taylor Hall E. If you have any questions, please email

Your Two Cents:

Rhea Manglani ‘17: Your Two Cents is a time when any member of the Bryn Mawr Community can propose a topic for discussion or host a straw poll. We have ten minutes for this item. Are there any Your Two Cents?

Hannah Rifkin ‘17: Can we talk about how we can put pressure on Bryn Mawr to do what Michigan did?

Rhea Manglani ‘17: Can you clarify what did the University of Michigan did?

X: President Cassidy sent out an email.

Rhea Manglani ‘17: Just so you all know, Kristal Sotomayor is really trying to raise awareness about administration doing something for undocumented students. This is the third time admin has reached out to me to send a message. We didn’t plan for this to be an agenda item this week, but we are figuring out better ways to speak with admin directly.

Nora Dell ’19: I have a thought. What if instead of us going to administration, they were transparent about what they were doing.

Rhea Manglani ‘17: Moving on, does anyone have anything else?

Updating the Appointments Committees By-Laws:

Shaina Robinson ‘17: I’ll read it out loud in case people can’t see; so basically I took the opportunity to update the Appointments By-Laws because they haven’t been updated in a long time. I also took time to clarify the appointments process and ensure committees can be held accountable throughout the year.

“Updated Appointments Bylaws (1/29/17)


“One may not hold the position of an Appointments committee member and a position in the SGA Representative Council (otherwise known as the SGA Assembly) at the same time.

Previously read: One may not hold the position of an Appointments committee member and a position in the SGA assembly at the same time.

“All applications and interview sign ups must be recorded on the Appointments Committees’ Google Drive and Doodle account. Email notifications or requests for interview slots will not be accepted unless there are as result of technical difficulties.

Previously read: All applications and interview sign ups must be recorded on the SGA Moodle Page. Email notifications or requests for interview slots will not be accepted unless there are as result of technical difficulties.

“New Proposals:

“An official emergency appointments round for multiple committees can be held in the spring semester before April at the discretion of the Vice-President. The Vice-President must give the other members of the Appointments Committee two weeks notice if they do this. All other appointments rounds that are not held in the designated months of September, November, and April must be for one committee only.

“All committees must assign at least one member, if not the head of the committee, the task of meeting with the Appointments Committee in person for a progress report check-in. These check-ins may be held during the fall semester for committees appointed in April and during the spring semester for committees appointed in September and November. Committees appointed during miscellaneous appointments rounds may be asked to check in with the Appointments Committee at the discretion of the Vice-President. If no one from a committee can meet with the Appointments Committee during the designated week of check-ins then a separate meeting must be scheduled in a timely manner.”

Does anyone have any questions? Alright, I believe we can put this through a vote. This is a Representative Council Vote only. Co-held positions, you can convene with yourselves for a couple of minutes.

Rhea Manglani ‘17: So your options are yes, no, and abstain.

By Laws pass by clear majority of the votes (there was one abstain)

Plenary Mixer:

Rhea Manglani ‘17: So how many of you are here because you have an idea for a Plenary Resolution? Can you raise your hands? Can the three of you and whoever is helping you (if you have no help that’s fine, you might potentially meet someone) come to the mic. We’re going to break into three groups, just count off by three. You’re going to break into three groups and workshop the idea. Can you each give a brief summary of your idea?

Hannah Rifkin ‘17: Can’t people pick?
Rhea Manglani ’17: If we let people pick, everyone will go to one and not the other.

Hannah Rifkin ‘17: Like I said in Your Two Cents, I think our voices are elevated if responded to on an administrative level that Bryn Mawr will not partner with any deportation force. I want that explicitly stated.

Sophia Bokhari ‘20: So the Counseling Center has been working to get a dog during sessions but right now they’re in the process of getting data. That process is very lengthy. What could expedite that process is that staff could bring in animals to non-residential buildings.

Hannah Henderson-Charnow ‘17: I’m not sure what will come of this but I am interested in having a conversation around having a BDS resolution against Israel (Boycott and Divest Sanctions).

Rhea Manglani ‘17: Please say your name and class year before you speak. Don’t get mad at Rachel, she’s just doing her job.

— Assembly Breaks for Five Minutes to Discuss Potential Plenary Resolutions—

Rhea Manglani ‘17: Alright, it’s been more than five minutes. I see group one is very intense. You guys good now? So before this breakdown, I have a quick question for all of you. Throughout the semester people have brought up plenary ideas– things like having the Honor Code apply to professors to raising the wage for Dining Services. Do you guys have an idea why some of those people might not have come tonight? Am I making the process sound too scar?

Veda Nambi ‘18: I think the reason is that it sounds difficult because the writing sounds difficult, and then the review process so people might be put off by that. But you also need that to write a good resolution, so.

Bridget Murray ‘17: In general, doing a Plenary Resolution is hard. It’s really hard to get up in front of a group. It’s completely different than if you’re saying, “I want to change wording in the

Constitution” versus, “I want to change something about how the Honor Code applies” and you have no idea how that would happen.

Jasmine Rangel ‘17: I think the results of Plenary Resolutions have varied so seeing some things that work out and others that don’t. It can be discouraging for someone presenting.

Lillian Oyen-Ustad ‘19: I also think that from all the Plenaries I’ve been to that they’re presenting something that no one has bothered to hear about. They’re picking them apart and questioning their validity and importance. That presents a hard burden to carry.

Rhea Manglani ‘17: I will wrestle with those ideas.

Sophia Bokhari ‘20: Maybe you could have a “Resolution Adoption Fair”.

Rhea Manglani ‘17: That’s what this was. Is there anything else? Can the three resolution writers come up and represent your ideas, represent your feedback, and some of what happened in your discussion? If you feel discouraged and don’t want to that’s fine.

Hannah Rifkin ‘17: People suggested sitting down with people who might know more about this.

Rhea Manglani ‘17: There’s a college lawyer, have you talked to him?

Hannah Rifkin ‘17: No.

Rhea Manglani ‘17: His name is Sam something. His info is on the website.

Hannah Henderson-Charnow ‘17: We had a productive conversation.

Sophia Bokhari ‘20: So I think we decided to split into two resolutions from professors, one bringing in animals to class and another for the Counseling Center.

Rhea Manglani ‘17: Does anyone have any general comments about any of this? Nicky Westerduin ‘18: Would the animal thing before staff or just professors?

Sophia Bokhari ’20: I don’t know, we were kind of just talking about professors but Counseling Center would be separately.

Genesis Perez-Melara: So the three students, are they writing the resolutions or are these just ideas?

Rhea Manglani ‘17: I hope so. I offered this out to the entire student body as a way to get feedback before starting the process from the E-Board and everyone. This was to get the hype up.

Lillian Oyen-Ustad ‘19: When is Plenary?

Rhea Manglani ‘17: March 19. The reason we’re starting early is because we lose two Sundays because of Spring Break.

Claire Gaposchkin ‘17: In regard to professors being able to bring pets to work, is there anything that prevents this?

Rhea Manglani ‘17: I’m just going to say what I think. I think it’s an allergy issue, which is hypocritical because we have flowers all over the place and plenty of people are allergic to pollen.

Lillian Oyen-Ustad ‘19: So I’m a student athlete and one of the things that came up was classics and other colloquiums and that they’re not required but they are highly suggested because they allow you interact with people in your field or major. Most of those things happen between 4:00 to 6:00 when games happen. We were going to write a letter to the Provost that this should be changed. Is that a Plenary Resolution?

Rhea Manglani ‘17: You definitely could and show that it has more than just SAAC’s support.

Emma Porter ’17: We were talking about potentially finding a different solution to 24 Canaday because there are times when no one’s in the library.

Nora Dell ‘19: I also heard that, and that we should get rid of the 3:00 to 6:00 hours because no one is in the library and it’s unhealthy to do so.

Kyra: Kyra Sagal, class of 2017.

Bridget Murray ‘17: So we were throwing around the appointment of the ResCo Heads. We are elected but there are a lot of responsibilities and we feel it may be better as an appointed position.

Ananya Kumar ‘18: This is an idea for a plenary resolution that came to me last semester. We were kind of talking about having a space for Halal and Kosher food. If someone is interested hit me up.

Hannah Rifkin ‘17: I’ve been working with—potentially you’re asking why you don’t come up with this position—I’ve been working with David chase on Kosher food in the dining hall and Halal options but I honestly don’t know much about Halal but I don’t know the specifics. He came to Big Cheese and I’m meeting with him Thursday. I would recommend meeting with him. There was a resolution about Kosher and Halal options that was presented several years ago. The best way to go about this is to speak with him, as he’s already willing to work with us.

Rhea Manglani ‘17: Does anyone else?

Claire Gaposchkin ‘17: In regard to library situation, another thing I’d like to add (though I do support it) is that the hours in Carpenter could be looked at. All the resources I need at the end of the semester can’t be accessed after a certain time or brought outside the library. Something we talked about would be potentially lengthening Carpenter’s hours. Trying to finish a paper at the end of the semester and not access your materials is very frustrating.

Rhea Manglani ‘17: If you want to pursue that I would suggest not working together.

Bridget Murray: Point of Clarification– one issue I can immediately foresee is that the LITS workers are going to be a lot smaller. We have a larger group in Canaday and a larger pool to pull from the Help Desk, shelvers, and circulation to keep the library running. It still sucks but it sucks slightly less.

Nora Dell ‘19: What if we redistributed some workers temporarily to Carpenter during 24 Hour Canaday?

Bridget Murray ‘17: Do you really hate us that much?

Nora Dell ‘19: It would be same amount of shifts in the daytime. I don’t know a whole lot about this.

Rhea Manglani ‘17: I would still encourage at least starting the process. Claire, you can still start. I would encourage emailing the E-Board. Would still help to advertise Plenary in the ways we have been? Any other comments? Okay, so just put the word out there. We still have time. Need an idea by Wednesday and draft by Saturday. Is there a motion to end the meeting?

Ananya Kumar ’18 motioned to end the meeting.

Bridget Murray ’17 seconded the motion.

Rhea Manglani ‘17: Confer with your co-held position. Raise for yes, no, and abstain. I will see all of you in a week at a different time for the Super Bowl. We have this space at 2:00 PM.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.