
Sunday, November 11, 2012 Agenda

The next meeting will be on Sunday, November 11, 2012in the Campus Center Main Lounge at 7:00pm.  IT IS ALSO THE BIG CHEESE FORUM!

This is the agenda for the November 11, 2012 Meeting:
-Roll Call
-Big Cheese Forum
-Your Two Cents
-Old Business
-New Business

People attending Big Cheese Forum:
Jane McAuliffe
Jerry Berenson
Michele Rasmussen
Wendy Greenfield
Laurie Koehler (tentative)
Kay Kerr (tentative)
Stephanie Nixon (not on panel, but there to listen)

Topics for Big Cheese Forum:
1) Perry House: In light of the recently passed Plenary resolution, are there any plans to renovate Perry House? Is this actually feasible?
2) SEPTA funding: What are the statistics regarding student use about this? It seems that people like it and use it, is there an opportunity to increase funding for it?
3) Campus-wide Renovations: What renovations should we expect in the next year on campus? How is the green doing after the renovations this summer? Particular interest in renovations regarding: student parking, seating on the turfs, Haffner, and Canaday
4) Academics: In looking at grading, is the discussion of implement a 3.5 grade feasible? Why do we not have one? Does this grade “deflation” impact us in looking for jobs and graduate programming?
5) Health Center: What does our health insurance actually cover? How has Obama Care impacted this?
6) Merit/Need Based Scholarships: Do we have both at Bryn Mawr? How is one eligible? Can current students apply?

New Format for Big Cheese Forum:
A topic will be announced from the listed above (order to be determined; the appropriate individual will speak to the topic for 2-3 minutes. After that students will have the opportunity to ask questions regarding that topic for about 5 minutes. Students can motion to extend time for a particular topic, if they feel have more questions regarding a particular topic. Once all listed topics have been identified, we will have a chance for students to ask other questions, and for you to ask questions as well! We would like the Big Cheese Forum to be an event where students can not only ask questions, but can also answer any.