A. Academic Resolutions
These resolutions are to preserve and ensure the integrity of the College and of the individuals within it. Each student is responsible for the integrity of her own academic work. Thus, it is important that each student read and understand these academic resolutions, as each student will be held responsible for them.
- Examinations and Quizzesa. Students are not to reveal the form, content, or degree of difficulty of any examination or quiz. Discretion should be used in discussing the examination and in disposing of the examination.
b. Examinations at the end of each semester will be conducted without proctors in the examination rooms. However, one or more student proctors will remain in each building to be called in case of emergency and to maintain quiet.
c. There should be no talking in the examination rooms. A student may leave an examination but should not create a disturbance. On completion of examinations, students are requested to leave the building promptly and quietly. Examinations will be written in blue books or on other paper provided by the College. Students are urged to occupy alternate seats where space permits. Students should not bring books and papers into the examination room unless told to do so by the instructor.
d. In a scheduled examination, the instructor or the instructor’s representative may stay in an examination room for about fifteen minutes at the beginning of an examination to answer questions, and may return at the close of the examination to collect papers. Students, upon completing, shall leave all blue books on the instructor’s desk or as otherwise instructed.
e. Quizzes will be conducted in the same manner except that the instructor may remain in the room. Quizzes will ordinarily begin at ten past the hour, and students are responsible for observing time limits.
f. In self-scheduled examinations, students must stop writing at the time specified by the instructor. Both the self-scheduled examination questions and the ‘blue books’ will be returned to the proctor in the building after the students complete them. The same standard of integrity is expected of students in cases of take-home or open book examinations, or any type of examination. The time allowed for a take-home examination or quiz is considered to run from the time the student opens the examination through the time limit specified by the instructor. A student may not use course materials, or seek any other outside help, unless specifically instructed to do so.
- Other Academic Worka. In reports and other written work, sources of information and of ideas and opinions not the student’s own must be clearly indicated; the source of direct quotations must be acknowledged. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism.
b. In laboratory work, each student, unless otherwise directed, is expected to make all the necessary measurements, drawings, etc., independently, from her/his own observations of the material provided. All records, including numerical data for working out results, are to be used by the student independently and as initially recorded.
c. Collaboration among students in the preparation of work may take place as approved by the instructor.
d. Permission must be obtained in advance from all professors concerned if a paper is to be submitted for credit in more than one course. If the paper has been used in a previous course or another school, the current professor should be made aware of the fact.
e. Any student who is uncertain about the application of the preceding rules to any particular assignment should ask the instructor for more explicit directions.
- Library — Use of library resources is subject to the Honor Code, as well as normal library regulations. It is the responsibility of the students to acquaint themselves with the regulations regarding the use of library materials, especially those materials on reserve. If a student fails to return a library book on time, despite requests from the librarian, it will be considered an infraction of the Academic Honor Code, and will be dealt with accordingly.
- Faculty — Members of the faculty are not under the jurisdiction of the Honor Code but may participate in confrontation. Complaints about a faculty member should first be made to the professor and then to the Dean of the Undergraduate College.
B. Social Resolutions of the Honor Code
The Social Honor Code attempts to reconcile the often-conflicting demands of community and personal responsibility to create an atmosphere in which individuals interact effectively. Policies approved by the vote of the Self-Government Association are the only policies that fall under the jurisdiction of the Honor Board. The social resolutions represent guidelines for conduct in areas where a need for community agreement on behavior exists, and may at times restrict the maximum freedom of each individual. Confrontation is appropriate whenever a student feels that their rights have been infringed upon. The following resolutions do not exhaust all situations in which confrontation may be appropriate.
- Confidentiality — The right of each student to privacy shall be preserved except in cases of dire emergency. When answering phones, no information concerning any student may be released without an express directive from the student. This same concern should be considered when replying to written or verbal requests for information about another member of the Association or the larger community.
- Guests — Every guest on the campus is bound by the Honor Code regulations while staying on the campus; future visits by guests who have violated these regulations may be restricted. Each student is responsible for seeing that her/his guests are acquainted with the resolutions of the Association. The student will not be penalized for a guest’s failure to comply with the resolutions if the guest has been informed of them. This statement refers only to the student Social Honor Code procedures. The student and their guest may be subject to College administrative procedures and penalty. Guests may be received in students’ rooms at any hour. For the security of the halls, any stranger should be escorted to the public rooms, to the room of the person being visited, or out of the hall. Men’s use of bathrooms shall be determined by each corridor in any women’s hall. It is a College rule that guests may stay in halls for short visits only. Violations may be reported to the Dean of the Undergraduate College.
- Dormitory Life — Decisions pertaining to the specific door-keeping practices, smoking areas, and quiet hours of each dormitory will be determined at the first dorm meeting of each academic year.
- Policies on Alcohol and Drugs — The College’s policies on alcohol and drugs are also included in this Honor Code.