Category: Recent Posts
Consider designing the SGA Campaign Decal!
If your design is chosen to be on the decal, not only will it be printed and distributed throughout campus, but you could also win an Insomnia Cookie Party for your hall with the SGA EBoard! If you live off-campus, we will have a Cookie Party for all off-campus students on campus.
Submissions are due: November 8, 2013 by 11:59pm. You can email all designs to
Pets on the Green!
Event with LILAC and Richard Shell
Richard Shell, author of Springboard: Launching Your Personal Search for Success, will be coming to Bryn Mawr on the evening of Tuesday, November 12 from 7pm-8pm. (Location is TBD)
The Leadership, Innovation, and Liberal Arts Center (LILAC) is going to purchase the books for students who sign up to attend the session. Katie Krimmel, Associate Dean for LILAC will facilitate two follow up sessions, the first after a month, then second after two month with all of the peer groups who have continued to read the book.
Register for this event Here:
Richard teaches an undergraduate course at Penn called the Literature of Success and is an award-winning scholar, teacher, and author at the University of Pennsylvania. In his work, he helps students and executives reach peak levels of personal and professional effectiveness through skilled negotiation, persuasion, influence, and the discovery of meaningful life goals. Three beliefs permeate everything he teaches and writes. First, success begins with self-awareness. Second, success progresses through excellence in practice. Third, success demands adherence to the highest standards of integrity.
The Leadership, Innovation, and Liberal Arts Center (LILAC) is going to purchase the books for students who sign up to attend the session. Seats will be limited. The hope is that we will launch Springboard peer groups coming out of the session for students who are interested in continuing a discussion around the book. These groups will allow you to blog and discuss the chapters on a semi-structured basis.
October 6, 2013 Minutes
Newly Elected Assembly Members!
The newly elected Assembly members are as follows:
Members-at-Large: Celeste Gambino, Mariam Khoudari, Noor Massanat, Xavia Miles, Marian Slocum, Christina Tse
Pensby Rep: Rhett Richardson
Off-Campus Rep: Sara Kim
Faculty Reps: Daniele Arad-Neeman and Erin Saladin
COPS Co-Heads: Christine Newville and Nina Shmorhun
Undergraduate Representative to the Leadership Working Group: Lisa Merrick
2017 Class President: Odeymarys Garrido
2014 Honor Board Rep: Maura Dillon, Ivy Drexel
September 22, 2013 Minutes
2013 Fall Plenary Resolutions
Get a head-start and read the FALL 2013 PLENARY RESOLUTIONS here!