Access Services Coordinator(s)
Up to TWO positions available. Serves as liaison between Access Services and SGA to help raise awareness about disabilities concerns and access issues on campus, including with the athletic department (some individuals who require help are athletes that receive injuries in the middle of a season). May have the opportunity to attend the Access Advisory Committee meetings and regular meetings with the Coordinator of Access Services. Position holders are responsible for active engagement and discussion with students, staff and faculty. This is not a large time commitment.
Open to ALL undergraduates.
Board of Trustees Representatives
Up to TWO positions available. Serve as liasons between SGA and the Board of Trustees of Bryn Mawr College. Will attend all BOT meetings and represent the student body within those meetings. Will also report back to SGA about important information that came up in the BOT meetings, and will report to BOT of any SGA information that seems to be pertinent to BOT meeting discussion.
Open to First-Year Traditional Students, Sophomores, and Juniors.
Bryn Mawr College Concert Series Co-Heads:
Up to TWO positions available. BMCS co-heads are responsible for planning and hosting large scale campus wide concert events. They are also responsible for getting in touch and actively communicating with bands/musicians throughout the concert planning and execution process. Along with the officers, co-heads must coordinate contract signing, PR and publicity, space reservation, researching/maintaining a clear budget, tech set-up, filling out the appropriate paperwork (party forms, etc), and hospitality. They must be very organized, motivated, dedicated, and good at delegating tasks to the officers and the general BMCS body. They must have served as an officer for at least one semester. A weekly meeting is held for the Co-heads, the Officers, and the general body of BMCS. An additional meeting per week is normally required for just the Co-heads. This IS a large time commitment.
Requirements: Students must stay throughout the entire semester and may be from ALL CLASSES.
Bryn Mawr College Concert Series Officers:
Up to FOUR positions available. The responsibilities of the BMCS officers include frequent correspondence with the other officers and co-heads about upcoming shows, generating ideas for artists, delegating tasks to the BMCS general body, having a say in the final decisions as to who to bring, venue set up (lighting, stage, green-room), and advertisement (poster distribution, new ideas, etc.). The officers must have been a part of the BMCS general body for at least one semester. The officers, co-heads, and general BMCS club meets once a week, and there is also a large time commitment for the days/nights of the concerts.
Requirements: Students do not need to stay for the entirety of the year, though it is preferred, and may be from ALL CLASSES.
Campus Greening Representative (formerly Landscape Rep.)
Up to TWO positions available. The Primary Responsibility for this person(s) is to be the essential link between Students, College Administration, Facilities Services and the Board of Trustees. The students will work closely with Director of Grounds Ed Harman, an annual meeting with the Board of Trustees, to bring news regarding changes to the campus landscape from the Facilities to the student community, to collect and deliver student inputs on landscape projects on campus, and create and run Student Services Project once every year to keep up the college’s recognition as the Tree Campus USA college. The role will also requires students to manage the Department’s different communications channels (including website, Facebook page, connections with the College Communication, etc) to effectively use them as tools to liaise among different parties. Candidates should be well organized, have strong communication skills, and be willing to take initiative on projects. Students will gain experience making campus wide connections with Administration and Faculty, and potentially create visible impact on campus. Knowledge of and interest in Bryn Mawr’s history and landscape are helpful but not required.
Requirements: Students do NOT need to stay for the entirety of the semester, though it is preferred. Open to ALL CLASSES.
Conflict Resolution Committee
Up to FIVE positions available. Students on the Conflict Resolution Committee will have the opportunity to work with students who request a mediator for conflict managing conversations and need to confront other students. Conversations that are brought to the Conflict Resolution Committee will be ones that would be inappropriate to bring to the Honor Board, but still need a structured form of communication to find resolution. Conflict Resolution Committee members will be in contact with the Head of the Honor Board who will be receiving all requests for mediated conversations. Students on the Conflict Resolution Committee should be good listeners, quick on their feet and responsive and have a very strong skill set of not becoming emotionally involved in the conversation or creating bias. Students selected for the Conflict Resolution Committee will be required to attend one or more training sessions and will participate in mediations on an as-needed basis. Students will be asked to attend a training session the week before classes start in September.
Constitution Review Committee
Up to FOUR positions available. The Constitution Review Committee will work with the SGA Secretary to investigate potential changes within the SGA Constitution. This Committee will be active through Spring Plenary. The Committee will be convened every two years after Spring Plenary to review the SGA Constitution and assess whether it should be revised
This is a significant time commitment.
Elections Board
TWO to FOUR positions available. Elections Board members help the Elections Head during the elections and work to improve communication between SGA and the campus regarding elections. The responsibilities include: recruiting candidates, making posters, hosting and organizing information sessions, advertising for SGA elections, and helping run Candidate’s Forum. No particular experience is necessary; interest in the election process would be helpful – reading the bylaws is a must. The Elections Board does not require much time commitment, though it does require more during elections – there are only three/four elections per year.
Requirements: Students will be expected to be on the Board for one year.
Bryn Mawr College Film Series
Film Series Head:
ONE to TWO positions available. The Film Series Head(s) are responsible for planning the Film Series for the year.This includes choosing the films which are shown on campus each weekend, working with Mary Beth Horvath and Student Activities, advertising, and running screenings in conjunction with the Film Committee. The Head holds regular meetings throughout the semester and communicates heavily over email. The Film Series shows 5-7 films each semester on Friday and Saturday nights. The Head is also responsible for communicating with Student Activities and a film distributor to set up film screenings, advertise each week for the screenings, must communicate plans and ideas to committee, be able to delegate responsibilities and willing to step in if something goes awry at the screenings.The Head must be able to plan far in advance as films are chosen through a distributor at the beginning of each semester. A familiarity with Bryn Mawr’s multimedia equipment, as well as a general technical savvy, is helpful but not required.
Requirements: The student must be available for the full academic year. Previous experience on the Film Series Committee is required and the position is open to current sophomores and juniors.
Requirements: Students do NOT need to stay for the entirety of the semester, though it is preferred and may be from ALL CLASSES.
Film Series Committee:
Up to FOUR positions available. Committee Members help select films for each semester, facilitate screenings a few weekends each semester, communicate with head and committee members and advertise for the screenings. The Committee members may also post the film fliers around campus and maintain a Facebook group for the Film Series. Checking and responding to emails over breaks is vital.
Financial Aid Advisory Board
ONE or TWO positions available. The Financial Aid Advisory Board acts as a liaison between the students and the Financial Aid Office, develops ways to make the financial aid process easier and less stressful for students, and organizes workshops with the aid office tailored to answering questions students may have. The position involves a large time commitment at key times during the academic year. In order to fulfill the responsibilities of the position the candidate must be a self-starter, persistent, good with time management, and able to communicate with multiple parties at one time.
Requirements: The student MUST stay for the entirety of the year. Open to ALL CLASSES.
Green Ambassadors Co-Heads
Up to TWO positions available. Duties include facilitating communication among the Green Ambassador Dorm Representatives, administration, and the student body to address campus green initiatives such as recycling and energy efficiency. They are also responsible for budgeting, organizing events, holding bi-weekly meetings with the Dorm Representatives, educating Representatives about new green projects, different sustainability plans on campus, and developing new green ideas in the dormitories. Co-heads and the Representatives will take on additional obligations that include alterations/improvements to our recycling system, and collecting special recycling objects from Dorm Representatives (such as: ink cartridges, fluorescent light bulbs, and batteries).
Co-heads must have strong communication abilities, especially via email. The average time commitment would be around 2 hours every week.
Requirements: Must have served as a Green Ambassador Dorm Representative for one semester to apply. Appointees will hold this position for one year. Open to ALL CLASSES.
Health Center Advisory Board
Up to FOUR positions available. Members are part of an advisory committee that acts as a liaison between the Health Center and the student body. We meet monthly with Health Center staff and internally at least once a month (subject to change based on needs of the committee). We communicate student concerns to the Health Center and occasionally communicate information from the Health Center to students. Additionally, we plan events, with the Health Center and other committees and student groups.
Requirements: Students do NOT need to stay for the entirety of the semester, though it is preferred. THIS IS A TWO YEAR POSITION. Qualified Seniors may still apply. Open to ALL CLASSES.
Check out the bmc_hcab Instagram for more info
Outreach and Communications Committee
Up to THREE positions available. This committee will help the SGA executive board in event planning, marketing, and advertising events. They will also help in organizational branding and may be asked to write blogs, and notify staff members about SGA activity.
Plenary Committee
Up to SIX positions available. The plenary committee works to organize and manage successful Plenaries. Members are responsible for informing the community about Plenary (educating the community about what Plenary is and what Plenary has done in the past), designing and ordering Plenary T-shirts, designing and printing Plenary advertisements, contacting different departments including dining services, registrar, access service and the presidents/deans, and doing general publicity for plenary: date, location, and resolutions. The Plenary Committee works closely with the SGA Exec. Board and hosts Plenary writing workshops so that students may be guided in the resolution writing process, helping resolution writers edit resolutions before Plenary takes place. Plenary Committee members will also table in the dining halls before Plenary starts to encourage community members to attend, and will have a post-Plenary community follow-up, including Plenary Surveys. Members will have to interact with a diverse group of students and staff members.
Organization and time-management skills are important in the successful completion of Plenary Committee member responsibilities. This position does not require a large time commitment.
Requirements: Students MUST stay for the entirety of the year and be available to attend both Plenaries. Open to ALL CLASSES.
Seven Sisters Council Representatives
Up to THREE positions available (2 one-year-positions and 1 two-year-position). All of the students from the Seven Sisters institutions are included in something called the Seven Sisters Coalition (website: ). The Seven Sisters Representative sit on the Seven Sisters Coordinating Board, must attend the Seven Sisters Conference, which is held during the Fall Semester, and contribute to monthly video chats with the Representatives from the Seven Sisters. The Seven Sisters Coordinating Board consists of the appointed students from each of the respective Seven Sisters Institutions who have been chosen to maintain the connection between the colleges. The purpose of the Coordinating Board is to create a way for student leaders and representatives to meet each fall at our annual conference and to foster growth and networking among the historic Seven Sisters Colleges. To help further solidify this cause, a Constitution was written and ratified by each of the colleges available here ( The Seven Sisters Coalition Seven Sisters Council Representatives will work closely with the SGA President on different initiatives pertaining to the Seven Sisters including, but not limited to: the Seven Sisters Conference, creating an alumnae database between the Seven Sisters, etc. The Representatives will also have the opportunity to run for different positions within the Coordinating Board. Position descriptions are available in the Constitution.
Requirements: students applying for these positions cannot plan to go abroad.
SGA Institutional Memory Committee
Up to SIX positions available. The committee’s primary mission is to preserve the institutional memory of the Self Government Association in a public, easily accessible archive. It will accomplish this in the following ways:
- Putting archived materials into a useful format.
- Reclaiming knowledge and expertise through oral histories.
- Processing ‘exit surveys’ taken from members of the representative council.
In the future, the committee will actively build the public archive in collaboration with the representative council and members of the Self-Government Association.
From Article VI, Section XIII: Subsection A: “The Committee shall be headed by the SGA Archivist and comprised of up to six additional members of the SGA.”
Position Description:
General Committee Member:
Students applying to be general committee members must be current members of the Self-Government Association (i.e. an undergraduate student matriculated at Bryn Mawr College). Additionally, they should be hardworking, passionate about the committee’s mission, and willing to approach tasks with an open mind. Individuals will be asked to carry out tasks both alone and in collaboration with other committee members or departments. (Ex: Following up with Rhys Carpenter Library staff to receive scanned document files.) Lastly, all committee members should approach problem solving with a positive attitude!
General committee members can expect to spend time updating the SGA Archive (wordpress), assisting in the collection of oral and written histories from members of the SGA, and transcribing historical documents/recordings.
Affinity Group Collaborator:
From the constitution: “At least one member of the committee shall be responsible for collaborating with affinity organizations”
In addition to assisting general committee members in carrying out the committee mission, the Affinity Group Collaborator will:
- Maintain and update a list of contacts for each affinity organization (i.e.: the email of the historian of the organization)
- Share primary documents contained in the archive with associated affinity organization(s).
- Notify affinity organizations when information about them, contained in archived sources, is published on the archive. (i.e.: Historical documents in which the affinity organization is discussed.)
- Notify affinity organizations when new information about them is published on the archive. (i.e.: The most recent meeting minutes of an SGA meeting, in which a group was mentioned.)
Web Specialist:
In addition to assisting general committee members with the committee’s mission, the web specialist…
- Must be familiar with wordpress platform.
- Duties include updating, formatting, and digitally constructing the public archive.
- Familiarity with CSS is desired but not necessary.
In sum:
6 Total positions open
- 4 general committee members
- 1 Affinity Group collaborator
- 1 web specialist
Eligible to apply: Rising sophomores, rising juniors, and rising seniors.
Time Commitment: Must be able to attend weekly meetings (TBD). Outside of those meetings, expect roughly two hours of work per committee member per week. This time commitment will be consistent year round.
SGA Webdesigner
ONE or TWO positions available. The SGA Webdesigner is responsible for maintaining a readable, accessible, and informative website for SGA. The Webmistress/Webmaster/Webmistex will work closely with the SGA E-Board. This is a great position for students who do not have much time, but are interested in being involved in SGA.
S. TEAM Committee: Science Technology Engineering Advocacy for Mawrtyrs
The purpose of this committee is to collect students representing interests from each STEM major, discuss issues, formulate solutions, and seek to implement changes through the appropriate channels. Positions for this committee will include Co-Heads, Major Representatives, Q Center Liaison(s) and the CEC
At the beginning of each quarter, committee appointees will have a “town hall” meeting for each major to bring to light major-specific issues, events, and progress, which will be recorded by the Co-Heads. At the end of each Major Rep Presentation, there will be a few minutes of suggestions regarding starting points as well as questions/comments from other Major Reps and Liaisons. The results of this meeting will be a list of “problem areas” to be resolved and discussed in future Solutions Meetings.
On a weekly or bi-weekly basis, there will be Solutions Meetings that focus on specific problem areas — order determined by Co-Heads — discussing the problem areas in relation to a few majors and brainstorming solutions based on other Reps’/Liaisons’ knowledge and experiences. At the beginning of these meetings, Major Representatives will check in with their progress in solving their own major-specific issues.
2 Co-Heads
Q Center Liaison
CEC Liaison
Major Representatives – Geology, Physics, Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Science.
Notes: Physics/Engineering can be combined, Biochemistry can be a shared responsibility between Bio and Chem, Co-Heads can also be Liaisons or Major Reps
Co-Heads: Run and facilitate meetings, take attendance, prioritize meeting topics, follow up with Major Representatives and Liaisons to ensure there are multiple topics that can be discussed on a given day, seek new appointees if the need arises.
Q Center Liaison: Coordinate with and survey math and STEM students about their experiences with the Q center, communicate with the Q Center to find out the resources they have and still need, gain an understanding of need areas, follow up with appropriate groups based on meeting proceedings. Ideally, meet with Q Center employees once per week.
CEC: Communicate Major Rep and career development-related issues to CEC help formulate solutions, provide insight into inner workings of CEC for other Committee representatives, follow up with all relevant groups based on meeting proceedings. Ideally, meet with CEC once per week.
Major Representatives: Survey students within major about positive and negative aspects of their experiences, develop an understanding of problem areas, prepare short verbal presentations to advocate for these topics, consult necessary administrators, faculty, staff, committee members, etc about how to implement solutions.
Social Justice and Equity Taskforce
6 positions are available. Works with the Social Justice and Equity Chair on events throughout the year. Events include Night Market, BHM events, Fall Frolic etc.
Social Committee
FIVE to SEVEN positions available.
Responsibilities include:
1. Helping the dorm presidents with the planning, organization and advertising of larger campus parties (specifically the 4 major social events: Halloween, East/West, Winter Formal and St. Patrick’s)
2. Organizing, implementing and facilitating a campus wide student event calendar
3. Continuing campus conversations about alcohol in addition to identifying what social problems exist in the community, and how we can go about solving them as a community.
Every committee member is responsible for working at a minimum of 1 major event/party each semester.
You do not need any prior experience, and positions are available to ALL class years.
Student Curriculum Committee
THREE positions available. Members gather and make themselves available to student input about issues/concerns with the curriculum, and work with the Student Curriculum Co-head(s) to address any concerns about the Bryn Mawr curriculum and credits as needed. Committee members hope to improve the academic environment for students. Students who are confident communicators are especially encouraged to apply.
Requirements: The student does NOT need to stay for the entirety of the year, though it is preferred. Open to ALL CLASSES.
Students for Disability Justice Committee
FIFTEEN positions available.
The Students for Disability Justice Committee is a committee comprised of and for students who identify as disabled on campus and disability justice allies who seek to pursue and enact radical solutions to manifestations of inaccessibility on campus. Students in the Committee define Disability Justice as “a framework that does not merely and kindly ask for disability rights, but is a whole movement that prioritizes the unique experiences of those people who identify as disabled and are multiply marginalized on part of their race, class, gender, citizenship status, and further.