
SGA Meeting 10/2/22

Meeting Minutes for SGA General Assembly 10/2/22


In Attendance from E-Board:

Vice President Desi Bagot ‘24

Secretary Bryn Osborne ‘24

Co-Treasurer Catherine Fu ‘23

Co-Treasurer Lola Rodrigues ‘23


Groups called to Meeting: N/A, No votes occurring 


Meeting Agenda

  1. Community Comment
  2. Announcements and Upcoming Events (Dorm Trick or Treating) 
  3. Fall Break Resources
  4. Final Asks

  • Community Comment


No comments 


  • Announcements and Upcoming Events


Bryn: Nominations for elections have closed, and people have accepted their nominations. An information session was held last week, and there should be a candidate’s forum coming up this week. We don’t have exact dates on things as the E-board is not in charge of elections, but candidates should be receiving that information from the Elections heads soon. 


Desi: Appointments are officially concluded, and all decisions have been sent out. Potential committee members have 24 hours to respond saying that they either accept or reject their positions. Once everyone has responded about their positions, those who accept will be connected to their committee heads, this will probably happen on Tuesday. 


Bryn: We are trying to bring back an old tradition, Dorm Trick-or-Treating, this year! Emails have been sent out to all dorm presidents asking if they want to participate, and so far we’ve received responses from New Dorm, Pem West, Radnor, and Pem East sent out a survey asking. This is where dorms are provided with candy, and faculty and staff members can bring their kids in costumes to trick or treat in the dorms. So if this is something you’d be interested in, reach out to your dorm presidents and let them know! First year reps have also been involved with planning this in the past. 


  • Fall Break Resources


Bryn: Fall break is coming soon, so we just wanted to point you guys to some resources for people, especially FGLI students, staying on campus. Breaking Barriers is hosting a lot of events, they’re doing a tie-dying event in Arnecliffe, a couple movie nights, a potluck, things like that. They also posted a great infographic on their Instagram showing blue bus times, meal times, it’s a really good resource of a lot of information in one place, so go check that out. Are there any other announcements we need to cover? 


Desi: They’re taking out our air conditioners


Bryn: Oh yeah, just FYI that our air conditioners will also be taken out over fall break by facilities. The weather has been pretty chilly lately so we should be alright, but enjoy your air conditioning while it lasts, as they do not get put back in the spring. 


Kyle Bledsoe ‘24: Although, if you have accommodations to have air conditioning, facilities will not come take it out over fall break. If you want them to take it out though, you can put in a request. 


  • Final Asks


Sophia Vinci ‘25: Are Bryn Mawr students handing out the candy for dorm trick-or-treating? 


Lola: In the past it has been both students handing out the candy or bowls at the door, but usually students will hand it out


Bryn: Because this hasn’t been done in a while, we really can shape the tradition how we want to. We are planning on providing dorms with candy from the SGA and ResCo budget, and then the candy will be distributed to students who want to participate, and kids will come to dorm room doors. 


Alex Hu ‘26: When will the heaters come on? 


Bryn: On the website, it says that heaters will come on when the temperature at night consistently is less than 40 F. If the weather is above 60 F, the heater will automatically turn off. I don’t have an exact date for when they’ll be on, but in my experience they should be on pretty quickly after fall break, as it usually gets consistently cold enough around mid-October. There are also instructions on the college’s website on how heaters work in each specific dorm that are helpful. 


Meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM