
January 30, 2011 Minutes

SGA Minutes

7:10 – Sophie Papavizas ’11 calls the meeting to order

Roll Call

Assembly Members Present: Katie Dahl ’11, Liz Ritchie ’11, Miranda Hansen-Hunt ’11, Aki Snyder ’11, Blair Smith ’12, Sarah Kelley ’11, Gabby Marangell ’12, Mae Carlson ’12, Giang Tran ’11, Duong Nguyen ’13, Adelyn Kishbaugh ’12, Malina Toza ’13, Courtney Pinkerton ’12, Ellen Halbach ’11, Irene Shin ’13, Sam Salazar ’11, Lindsey Turr ’11, Heather Taddonio ’12, Kyle Aguilar ’13, Akshyeta Suryanarayan ’13, Hannah Smith ’14, Krista Imre ’13, Pragya Krishna ’13, Elizabeth Olecki ’12, Maya Sachdeva ’14, Daisy Sheng ’14, Olivia Xia ’14, Ali Raeber ’13, Joo Park ’11, Hope Wayman ’13, Mary Margaret Peebles ’13, Jordan Cottrell ’13, Sarah Schnellbacher ’13, Emily Tafaro ’12, Kathryn Gary ’11, Emily Zhao ’11, Sarah Capasso ’11, Priya Saxena ’13, Katharine Woolls ’12, Sarah Henkind ’13, Tiffany Olszuk ’12, Callie Jensen ’11, Sumehda Niranjan ’11, Kerlyne Jean ’11

Assembly Members Absent: Isidora Armentrout ’13, Sara Jane Rodgers ’13, Jennifer Savage ’12, Priya Gupta ’13, Sarah Aubrey ’13, Julie Gorham ’12, Keshia Koech ’13, Kate Gould ’11, Tanvi Surti ’12, Vrinda Varia ’13, Naznen Rahmen ’13

Community Members Present: Julie Mazziotta ’13, Amanda Kennedy ’13, Elizabeth Held ’12, Aya Martin Seaver ’13, Ariana Hall ’12, Zandra Martinez ’11, Emma Rosenblum ’14, Meheret Shumet ’13, Tsega Meshesha ’13, Caroline Kenward ’12, Jessica Martzall


Sarah Kelley ’11: Information sessions for candidates are tonight and tomorrow in Campus Center 200, and the Candidates Forum is Tuesday at 8:30.

Blair Smith ’12: Just a reminder that Traditions sweatshirt preorders are due Tuesday in the Res Life Office. Heller training is coming up, so look out for emails about when they will be.

Irene Shin ’13: There are tables still available to sell things at Plenary. Please email me if you want to table.

Meheret Shumet ’13, Tsega Meshesha ’13: The BACaSO Culture show is this Saturday the 5th from 7-10, and there is an after party in the Campus Center 10-2.

Kyle Aguilar ’13: There are a couple of Sophomore Class teas coming up. The Sophomore/Senior tea is going to be in the Quita Woodward room tomorrow at 9, and the Sophomore/Freshmen tea will be Wednesday in the Campus Center also at 9.

Sophie: Sorry about canceling the Plenary workshop that was scheduled for last Wednesday, Taylor was locked because of all the snow. There are two more coming up, one on Wednesday and one on the following Monday both at 4 in Taylor C. Email us if you can’t make the meetings.

Your Two Cents

Julia Fahl ‘12: I know that there was a discussion last week about Uncommon and stealing. I wanted to talk about the prices at Uncommon Grounds. It seems like food prices have increased. I was hoping we could maybe come up with a letter or plenary resolution to let people know how we feel about this.

Sarah Kelley ’11: Have you asked anyone why the prices are what they are?

Julia Fahl ’12: I was just wondering, and I think there should be lower priced foods available for people who are on a budget.

Aya Martin Seaver ’13: Do you have ideas for cheaper products? There are lots of things we have to go through as far as ordering and dealing with distributors, so it’s not very easy to just reduce the prices or get new products.

Julia Fahl ’12: I think you’re right that there is administrative red tape, but if we brought it up in a Plenary resolution, maybe we could bring it to their attention that we would ike to see a change.

Aya Martin Seaver ’13: Could we just get an office appointment? I think a letter of intent or a Plenary resolution sends a different message or sets a tone that is not necessarily positive.

Julia Fahl ’12: I personally have already formed the opinion that prices are too high, but I think if other people have the same thought, we could bring that to them.

Emma Rosenblum ’14: I’m a community member, but I completely agree that prices are very high. Even students with the 200 meal plan who have money that goes towards Uncommon, you don’t get you that much.

Julia Fahl ’12: The sandwiches are pretty expensive. I’m willing to give up artisan ciabatta for whole wheat bread if that would lower prices. My email is jfahl@brynmawr and I’ll be taking emails within the next week if anyone has any more opinions they want to share, and maybe I’ll set up an appointment.

Next Week’s Meeting

Sophie: Next week is the Superbowl and we also need to approve the budget, so we need quorum. We traditionally move the meeting to one in the afternoon to avoid any time conflict with the game. Are there any thoughts before voting to move the meeting to one? Since the meeting is moved earlier, please email Julia (jaranda) if you have work schedule conflicts.

The meeting is moved to 1pm.

Laurel: Due to personal reasons, I won’t be able to be at the meeting next Sunday. I’ll send some SFC reps to be on hand, and will try to skype or call in to answer any questions about the budget.

SGA Kitchen Discussion

Sophie: Back in the day, the kitchen had lots of communal things for students to use, but they’ve been taken or they aren’t there anymore. Do we want to talk about paying for more essentials?

Caroline Kenward ’12: Were the thing from the kitchen taken away or stolen?

Sophie: They were stolen.

Kathryn Gary ’11: When was the last time we paid to restock the kitchen?

Sophie: I think it was during my freshman year.

Sarah Kelley ’11: Is there any way we can have a process or checklist to ensure that things don’t walk off? Students have to pick up the key from conferences, so maybe when they get the key, they also have to check off what they’re planning to use or what was in the kitchen when they arrived.

Aya Martin Seaver ’13: I have friends and know freshmen who want to have events in the kitchen and then find that there’s nothing there, which is disappointing.

Ali Raeber ’13: If stuff is getting stolen during the summer, can we just take it out during when we aren’t using it?

Blair Smith ’12: I’m totally in support of paying for new stuff, and I think we sould talk to someone about summer storage for the new supplies so they won’t get stolen again.

Courtney Pinkerton ’12: I feel like access to using the kitchen has also been used as a selling point to prospective students, and it would make it more honest to have it supplied and available for students to use.

Sarah Kelley ’11: If we do budget for new supplies, where would this money come from?

Sophie: It would just come from the general SGA fund. It would depend on what money we have or what gets donated.

Laurel Lemon ’11: It would also depend on what we decide to buy, like getting a blender versus new cookie sheets.

Blair Smith ’12: Would it be helpful to involve the Culinary club? For budgeting, could they budget for new kitchen supplies?

Laurel Lemon ’11: The Culinary Club does do some budgeting for supplies, but we store them elsewhere.

Aya Martin Seaver ’13: It might be nice to set aside budget for other things kitchens need like cleaning supplies.

Adelyn Kishbaugh ’12: It seems like it’s established, that things are missing, but how are we going to make sure things don’t keep getting stolen?

Sophie: Maybe that’s what we can talk about later, once we decide whether or not to buy new supplies.

Sarah Kelley ’11: Does housekeeping go into the kitchen and do cleaning? Maybe we could have students sign something reminding them not to steal since they’re under the Honor Code. Also people cook things and leave them in the pots in the refrigerator, which gets gross, but also means other people can’t use them.

Laurel Lemon ’11: Point of Information – Housekeeping doesn’t clean the kitchen regularly, but they take out the trash.

Blair Smith ’12: One way to police the system, might be to have something on the reservation form online where students could check off what what supplies you need, like the way you request projection screens when you book other rooms.

Julie Mazziotta ’13: Could you just get a box of stuff at the same time you pick up the key?

Sophie: We’ll talk about this again. Email us if you come up with any ideas.

Old Business

New Business

Honor Code Arts and Crafts

Susie Kim ’11: Last week we talked about the Honor Code and planning an appreciation day.We’ve been stapling instructions to index cards that we’re hoping everyone will fill out. We want people to share their experiences with the Honor Code, good or bad, and then we will display the submissions starting at the event we plan on having on February 10th in the Campus Center. Finished cards should be returned to the SGA mailbox C-1735.

7:51 – Meeting adjourned.