
October 5, 2009 Minutes

Emma W-B ’11 calls the meeting to order at 7:10 PM

Roll Call

Present: Emma W-B ’11, Sophie Papavizas ’11, Tanya Kaur ’10, Laurel Lemon ’11, Katherin Redford ’10, Jill Settlemyer ’10, Reggie Kukola ’10, Marisa Franz ’10, Sara Jane Rodgers ’13, Colleen Hayley ’11, Sarah Sherman ’11, Hannah Curry Mc-Dougald ’10, Caroline Heffernan ’10, Jacqueline Levin ’10, Madeline Velturo ’11, Nga Nguyen ’11, Julia Fahl ’12, Malina Toza ’13, Elisa Hernandez Landeverde ’10, Taline Cox ’10, Simran Singh ’10, Shannon Ryan ’10, Ashton Shaffer ’11, Liana Donahue ’12, Mae Carlson ’12, Isabel Donlon ’12, Pragya Krishna ’13, Saba Qadir ’12, Maddy Court ’13, Hope Waymen ’13, Adelyn Kishabugh ’12, Clair Smith ’12, Jennifer Savage ’12, Blair Smith ’12, Katherin Lewis ’12, Samantha Newman O’Gara ’12, Jenny Nam ’12, Sophia Abboud ’12, Antara Tulsyan ’12, Emily Tafaro ’12, Elle Works ’10, Meghan Mahoney ’10, Hildi Greenberg ’10, Rachel Brody ’11, Shanna Fricklas ’10, Sarah Capasso ’11, Caitlin Evan ’11, Eileen Downs ’11, Alexandra Ashley ’11, Analee Garrity, Julie O’Neil ’10, Augusta Irele ‘10

Excused Absences: Miranda Hansen Hunt ‘11, Alice Fischer ’13, Ellen Butler ’13

Unexcused Absences: Kali Graham ‘10

Community Members Present: Mia Chin ’12, Sue Yee Chen ’12, Sarah Moser ’12, Sam Salazar ’11, Caroline Kelly ’12, Catherine Miller ’12, Brittney Thornbury ’11, Allyson Schmieder ’11, Zayna Schaffer ’13, Chelsea Dunkel ’11, Celia Turner ’10, Cristina Smith ’12, Angana Roy ’12, Adrienne Webb ’11, Laurel Russess ’11, Becky Findlay ’10, Gaia Brusasco ’13, Yong Jung Cho ’12, Brittney Sampson ’12


Sophie Papavizas ’11: Appointment rounds are coming up for a lot of things, so look out for an email from me.

Tanya Kaur ’10: Two things: first, my hard drive crashed so I lost all the minutes from September 20, and so they will never be published. If you want to see them, you can either fix my hard-drive yourself, or raise $800 so I can get it fixed by a professional. Second, there seemed to be a lot of positive feedback on the Plenary t-shirts, and we are thinking about ordering more, so if you want some, please let me know by the end of the meeting or by email

Emma W-B ’11: We just wanted the assembly to know what the upcoming meetings are going to be about. The future meetings are as follows:

October 25th: Gym Renovation, Yearbook, Zipcar

November 1st: Student Recruitment and SGA and Religious Holidays

November 8th: Methods of Budget Approval, more to come!

As always if you want something added to the agenda, please let us know and we’ll add it.


Laurel Lemon ’11: I work at the CDO and I’m just here to talk about what a CDA does. We review resumes, and cover letters, and go over job applications. We are a great resource—there are 8 of us, and we have a lot of hours, and we can help anyone out about issues post-graduation, so come check us out!

Plenary Recap

Catharine Miller ’12: I presented a resolution that the Counseling Center change its policy to have written consent. I have sent these recommendations to Reggie and I’m waiting to hear back. I also know that there were a lot of questions about the actual implementation of these changes so I’ve also recommended that these changes be implemented with student input and so if there’s a forum for that I really hope that people attend.

Pragaya Krishna ’13: I spoke to Reggie, and the Counseling Center is seriously considering the policy and are making the policy is now the default policy.

Adelyn Kishbaugh ’12: I proposed the second resolution at Plenary about Haverford leadership at Bryn Mawr, and it failed, but I’m really glad that we had this discussion as a community. Even though it didn’t pass, there are a lot of other ways of improving Bi-Co relations and I hope we continue to look into ways of doing so.

Radnor Budget Approval

Emma W-B ’11: We are now going to vote on approving the Radnor Budget. They asked for $2221, and they got $1095.

For: 27

Against: 1

Abstain: 1

Special Events Funding

Emma W-B ’11: We are now going to go over Special Events, keep in mind we are going to hear all proposals and then vote. Each person has 5 mintues to talk and then we can ask questions. We also have a total of $15000 requested out of a pool of $80,000

Malti ’12, Debbie ’10, Ntshadi ’12 Mea ‘12: We represent BACASO and we want to bring the Blk Jks to campus. We are fascinated that they are an African rock band, and we want to diversify the events we have at Bryn Mawr and this would be a great way of seeing a different musical genre. This is planned for Wendesday October 21, at Thomas Great Hall.

Hannah-Curry McDouglad ’10: Are any of these costs going to change because the event is in 3 weeks

Ntshadi ’12: The amount for the booking agent will probably go down, so that money can go towards higher priced airplane tickets.

Maddy Court ’13: How many people are going to come to this?

Ntshadi ’12: We are hoping to have the event open to Tri-Co

Sarah Capasso ’11: I think this is really cool, but it’s on a Wednesday, so what about turn out?

Ntshadi ’12: That Saturday is the ASA culture show, so TGH is just booked for anytime that they would be able to come.

Simran Singh ’10: What if you change the venue to Rhoads?

Shanna Fricklas ’10: Would this event be better for a future Saturday?

Debbie ’10: This is a really big band, and so their American tour is ending and so we need to get them relatively soon.

Emma W-B ’11: Next event, Abby…

Abby Olson ’10: I want to have two speakers, Lily Ledbetter and Jocelyn Samuels, come to campus to talk about unequal labor practices in the workplace. Lily Ledbetter was someone who worked in the Alabama Goodyear Tire Plant for 20 years, and found out that she was paid 40% less than her male counterparts, and so she sued, was awarded money, but then it went to the Supreme Court and they said she sued too late. However, President Obama passed the Lily Ledbetter Bill in January that says that you can sue once you find out discrimination has occurred. Jocelyn Samuels is a woman who is an advocate for women in the workplace, and I would want both of them to come to talk about their experiences. This event is planned for next March. Lily Ledbetter isn’t confirmed yet, so if she doesn’t come then I’ll return this money except for the $75 which I need for food and publicity.

Emma W-B ’11: Next event, Colleen…

Colleen Hayley ’11: I want to bring a comedian to the Bi-Co community who I think is absolutely fabulous. Her name is Liana Carreras and she is just a great comedian, she’s being called the next Ellen DeGeneres. She herself identifies as Gay, her father is a Southern Baptist Preacher, and her mom was deaf, so she was raised in the deaf community so she can relate to a lot of different communities out there.

Brittney Thornbury ’11: When would this be?

Colleen Hayley ’10: This would be November 14 in Thomas Great Hall

Ashton Shaffer ’11: What is the $18 for Haverford?

Collen Hayley ’10: It’s for the Publicity at Haverford. Posters are $1 a piece, and so I’m putting up 18 posters at Haverford.

Emma W-B ’11: Next Event…

Adrienne Web ’11, Catherine Zeger ’10: We want to invite Nicole Reynolds and her band at Batten House, on Friday October 30.

Caroline Heffernan ’10: What time is this event?

Adrienne Web ’11: At 8 PM

Adelyn Kishbaugh ’12: How many people were you expecting?

Adrienne Web ’11: Batten can hold around 60-80.

Marisa Franz ’10: You had her last year, how many people came?

Adrienne Web ’11: We had a good turn out, about 50 people came.

Emma W-B ’11: Next Event

Mia Chin ’12, and Sue-Yee Chen ’12: This is a Art Fiesta, it is for tri-co students, and the ACLAMO kids and their families. It is on November 21. All the food is coming from Norristown restaurant, the face painter and balloon painter will be from Norristown.

Adrienne Web ’11: How are you going to transport people? R100? Bus?

Mia Chin ’12: No, they’re going to transport themselves; we have a bus for kids and their parents.

Sarah Moser ‘12 and Sam Salazar’11: Andrea Gibson is a spoken word artist and we want to get her October 23 at 8 PM at Rhoads Dining Hall. She is really awesome and she really wants to come here, and she’s really into the Women’s College thing. We want $2000 for her.

Shanna Fricklas ’10: If she’s so excited to come, can’t we lower the price?

Sam Salazar ’11: Yeah, we budgeted the top amount, however her booking agent is very flexible. Andy Suzuki is another performer we want to bring who went to Brown, however is brother is a post-bac here so we hope that a lot of people will be coming out. We want $300 for him.

Julie O’ Neil ‘10: When is this?

Sam Salazar ’11: November 14th

Julie O’Neil ’10: Isn’t there another event proposed that night?

Sam Salazar ’11: Yes

Emma W-B ’11: We are now going to vote for the Blk Jks.

Approve: 28

Against: 2

Abstain: 0


Emma W-B ’11: We are now going to vote for Lily Ledbetter and Jocelyn Samuels.

Approve: 28

Against: 0

Abstain: 3


Emma W-B’11: Next Event, Father, Son, and Holy Gay.

Approve: 28

Against: 0

Abstain: 0


Emma W-B’11: Nicole Reynolds Concert, Fall Festival

Approve: 28

Against: 0

Abstain: 3


Emma W-B ’11: Mexican Art Fiesta.

Approve: 25

Against: 0

Abstain: 5


Emma W-B ’11: So now we are voting for Andrea Gibson

Approve: 24

Against: 1

Abstain: 5


Emma W-B ’11: So now we are voting for Andy Suzuki

Approve: 24

Against: 2

Abstain: 1


Emma W-B ’11: All events pass, congratulations!

Old Business

New Business

Meeting adjourned at 8:02 PM