“This Is How We Do It…”
Minutes for SGA Meeting of 14 September 2008
Campus Center Main Lounge, 7pm
Roll Call
Meeting Procedure
Vote: Moving SGA time on Lantern Night
Attendance Policy
Mawrk Notes
SGA Board
Your Two Cents
Meeting called to order at 7:11 pm by Shelley Gupta, SGA Vice President.
Roll Call
Assembly members present: Rodline Louijeune, ’11; Marisa Franz, ’10; Sarah Capasso, ’11, Nina
Jankowicz, ’11; Amanda Ciccone, ’09; Elise Nelson, ’09; Antonia Kerle, ’11; Teresa Palatsis, ’10; Grace
Kung, ’10; Patricia LeBron, ’09; Sofia Nitchie, ’09; Trina Banerji, ’09; Deepjyot Singh, ’09; Chelsea
Dunkel, ’11; Katie Dahl, ’11; Liz Ritchie, ’11; Arielle Parris-Hoshour, ’11; Rachel Brody, ’11; Caitlin
McCarthy, ’09; Amanda Cegielski, ’09; Weezie Lauher, ’10; Anne Bugnaski, ’10; Erica Seaborne, ’09;
Amber Zambelli, ’09; Christina Wagner, ’11; Callie Jensen, ’11; Cara Sogliuzzo, ’11; Gaby Vollum, ’11;
Sarah Gelfand, ’11; Jasmine Howell, ’11; Amanda King, ’11.
Excused absences: Fabiola Decius, ’10; Rachel Corey, ’10; Madison Schaeffer, ’11; Kendalyn Brown,
Unexcused absences: Noelle Fair, ’11; Anna George-Hallgren, ’11.
Community members present: Sarah Sherman, ’11; Sarah Blatchly, ’11; Jane Morris, ’10; Regina
Kukola, ’10; Jennifer Pierre, ’10; Amanda Bowes, ’10; Taline Cox, ’10; Anne Kauth, ’10; MJ Crookes,
’10; Jessica Coulter, ’10; Tiina Blum, ’12; Ellen Ginda, ’10; Rachel Anderson, ’10; Sarah Kelley, ’11;
Kirsten Jusewicz-Haidle, ’09; Hannah Curry-McDougald, ’10; Aheli Purkayastha, ’09; Ashley Madden,
’09; Andrea Milne, ’09; Sumedha Niranjan, ’11; Natalie Simpson, ’12; Priya Saxena, ’12; Kerlyne Jean,
’11; Julia Aranda, ’11; Sophia Papavizas, ’11; Laurel Lemon, ’11; Jill Walker, ’09; Celia Turner, ’10.
Taline Cox, ’10: Wednesday September 17th for National Safety Awareness month, COPS is hosting
a Self-Defense and Public Safe-Tea in the campus center main lounge from 7:30-9. The even will deal
with learning some basics about self defense and smart facts about night safety. For questions email
Deep Singh, ’09: Seniors: We have our first cocktails date set as October 24th. In order to make those
successful, we need donations (Senior Funds!). Last year’s seniors made $20 the minimum and we
originally said any amount is good. We’ll still take whatever you can give, but donations around $20
will be most useful. This money can go to non-alcoholic related materials. Info on how to give us
money is on the bright poster in the CC by the mailboxes. Thanks!
Amber Zambelli, ’09: Hello again! We are here to talk about the timeline for the next week, and also
the upcoming round of elections. First, we would like to list the official candidates for this round of
Erica Seaborne, ’09: Thanks to everyone for the nominations for each other and for yourselves.
SGA President
-Aheli Purkayastha
-Sarah Khasawinah
-Shelley Gupta
-Stephanie Migliori
Class 2010 Co-Presidents
-Amanda Bowes and Simran Singh
-MJ Crookes
Board of Trustees Representative (2 positions)
-Rachel Corey
-Corey Norcross
-Stephanie Ezeoba
-Isabel Holmes
-Susie Kim
-Laurel Lemon
-Rodline Louijeune
Amber Zambelli, ’09: In this round, for the regular elections, nominations are now closed. For the
emergency election for the position of Vice President, nominations will close Wednesday at 5pm. The
rest of the elections process is outlined in our slide presentation. Candidates’ Forum for all positions
will be on September 18th at 8:30pm in the CCML – attendance is compulsory for all candidates.
Minutes will be available online. Voting for all of these positions opens Monday the 22nd at 9am and
runs through Tuesday the 23rd at 5pm. Nominations for the next round of elections, including the
positions listed in our slide presentation will open Monday the 22nd at 9am. Thank you to everyone for
a smooth nominations process, and thank you in advance for voting!
Meeting Procedure
Shelley Gupta, ’09: We’ve left the meeting procedure pretty much the same as what it has been in the
past. The only real change we have made is to add the fact that you have to be on the main lounge
floor to be added to the speaking order. We’ve changed “Your Business” to “Your Two Cents”, and
also a few wording changes. On the chart with the number of votes, we’ve clarified it a bit. Any
questions or changes we would like to consider?
Katie Kellom, ’09: The only thing that we added is the main lounge location as a requirement to be
added to speaking order – we just decided that that should be a part of the meeting procedure instead of
us just yelling at you, as that’s what normally happens.
Vote taken for approval of meeting procedure:
In favor: 22; Against: 0; Abstentions: 0.
Meeting procedure approved.
Jane Morris, ’10: I would like to propose the following motion: Whereas the Vice President, Shelley
Gupta, is simultaneously holding the Vice Presidential position and running for President, and whereas
this is an inevitable conflict of interest, be it resolved that the meetings on September 14 and September
21st shall be run by the SGA Secretary.
Motion seconded.
Discussion on motion:
Jen Pierre, ’11: I can see how there is a clear conflict of interest – no other candidate has the ability to
run SGA meetings. I third this motion.
Klaralee Charlton, ’09: We have requested to have a faculty advisory board, and we met them on
Friday to talk about this very thing. We thought that some people would have a problem with it. We
talked about the fact that other people running in these positions also hold positions of authority on this
campus. If this were to be in the Spring, and you were Traditions and running for President, you would
still have a lot of limelight on you in the community just like others. Until she resigns, we felt that by
her not appearing with us, it would bring more attention to this fact. Also, the meetings are not run
exclusively by Shelley – but somebody does have to keep the order and keep speaking order.
Jane Morris, ’10: The one thing I worry about is that everyone does hold important positions, but
none of those positions has been running SGA meetings. I don’t think it’s fair.
Jen Pierre, ’11: Being Traditions Mistress and running for President is not the same as running SGA
meetings already. There is a clear bias towards a person sitting up there running the meeting for frosh
or people who are unaware of what is going on. It’s seems that it’s muddying the waters a little bit.
Amanda Bowes, ’10: Why did you submit your resignation when you did?
Shelley Gupta, ’09: I don’t see it as a conflict of interest. If I were a junior, and I were VP, and
running for president, it would be the same situation.
Nina Jankowicz, ’11: I should hope that as voting members and community members that we are
voting in elections on more than just the fact that Shelley is sitting at a table. I think this is kind of a
silly discussion to have at a meeting.
Patricia LeBron, ’09: As long as she doesn’t hold both positions at once, or act in violation of the
elections by-laws or the Constitution, which she isn’t, I see no problem with it.
Jen Pierre, ’11: It’s ideal to assume that people are going to be involved and read about the other
candidates, but there are going to be people who just don’t know and will vote blindly based on who
they see at the table. It’s idealistic to say that everyone is going to vote fully informed.
Christina Wagner, ’11: You have to assume that people are going to do the right thing, Shelley has a
responsibility to fulfill this position, she is fulfilling her responsibility by being VP and not leaving yet
another position empty. She also has a right to run for another position, as well. BMC Students have
the responsibility to be informed to vote and to do the right thing. We can’t assume they will, but need
to expect it from them.
Jane Morris, ’10: I think that’s a valid point, as well. The real problem I see is that the voting
population consists of a class that has been here for 2 weeks, as well as a group of people who have
been here through this whole experience. They have not been here to see Aheli, Steph, Sarah in their
various positions. If this election had gone as intended, this would have been an entirely different
Klaralee Charlton, ’09: If this does go to a vote, I would like to ask someone to add an amendment
that the other individuals involved in the election should refrain from sending mass emails or using
their positions of authority on campus to their advantage.
Christina Wagner, ’11: If it goes to a vote, I will add this amendment.
Nina Jankowicz, ’11: I don’t feel like the whole freshman class will be coloured by Shelley sitting in
the middle of the table, as the entire frosh class isn’t at this meeting.
Cara Sogliuzzo, ’09: I’m confused, and just want to clarify something. Jane is not saying that Shelley
needs to step down. It’s not about that. It’s that Shelley is the one dictating the meetings, and to some,
it might seem that “oh, Shelley is already President”. I don’t think that Shelley needs to move, or step
down, or anything. I think that Shelley should be doing the same thing, just that Katie or Klaralee
should be reading the list of the speaking order. I don’t think she should have to move or stop being
Motion to vote on amendment addition, stating that all candidates for the position of President should
stop mass personal advertisement in the coming weeks before the election.
Motion seconded.
Jane Morris, ’10: I consider this amendment to be unfriendly.
Shelley Gupta, ’09: Then we will discuss it for 2 minutes.
Marisa Franz, ’09: This would pose a large problem to the student body at large. It would be really
hard for people to fill in these positions that these four women hold. This amendment seems to take it
to an extreme level.
Amanda Bowes, ’10: As far as I know, but for one person, none of them are in elected positions
currently, so it is a superfluous amendment. They don’t hold elected positions in SGA, so I don’t think
it’s reasonable for them to do this – where would you draw the line?
Erica Seaborne, ’09: As an Elections Co-Head, I don’t see how taking what is in our by-laws and
applying them to everyday life at BMC is in any way constitutional.
Sofia Nitchie, ’09: Do we have the power to do this? Can we do this constitutionally?
Katie Kellom,’ 09: There is no precedent for any of this.
Vote on including the amendment in the motion.
In favor: 0; Against: 18; Abstentions: 4.
Amendment Fails.
Cara Sogliuzzo, ’09: I would like to make a friendly amendment, by changing “Secretary” to
“Treasurer” or “Honor Board Head”, since the Secretary is already a little busy with the minutes, etc.
Vote on new amendment inclusion.
In favor: 20; Against: 0; Abstentions: 2.
Amendment Passes.
Vote on Motion.
In favor: 5; Against: 7; Abstentions: 10.
Motion Fails.
Moving SGA time on Lantern Night
Shelley Gupta, ’09: Because of Lantern Night, we need to move the meeting time on November 2nd.
Are there any suggestions for times?
Sofia Nitchie, ’09: 4 pm.
Anne Bugnaski, ’10: We have yet to officially decide when Lantern Night will start.
Katherine Redford, ’10: Traditionally, this meeting has been at 3 pm, so I would suggest that.
Rachel Brody, ’11: What about those of us who might not be able to make it to that meeting?
Kendra Hayde, ’09: All voting members would need to contact me beforehand for an excused
absence for this meeting.
Sofia Nitchie, ’09: In light of this information, I would like to withdraw my suggestion of 4 pm.
Shelley Gupta, ’09: Anything else?
Vote for holding the meeting at 3 pm on November 2nd:
In favor: 21; Against: 0; Abstain: 1.
Katie Kellom, ’09: Goodhart is closed, so, because of capacity issues, we have to hold Plenary in the
gym. We do not have enough chairs, so you will need to bring blankets and pillows to sit on the floor.
Kendra Hayde, ’09: We would also like to ask for help in any way – we need volunteers for setup,
cleanup, and actually working during Plenary, in addition to the Assembly members. Also, for
Assembly members, traditionally, we do ask that you come ½ hour early, but this year we may ask you
to come 1 hour early, in order to help facilitate setup for this unique Plenary. Anyone who wishes to
help should come see one of us after the meeting.
Additionally, we will also take vending and entertainment requests – so if your club or group would
like to sell anything during Plenary, please come see us, or respond to the upcoming emails. Also, if
your acappella group wishes to perform at Plenary, please come see us, or again, respond to the
upcoming emails.
Amber Zambelli, ’09: In terms of entertainment, I propose a dodgeball tournament instead of a dance
Anne Bugnaski, ’09: We should play Horse or spud.
Shelley Gupta, ’09: If you have any further ideas, please talk to us after the meeting.
Attendance Policy
Kendra Hayde, ’09: I just wanted to highlight the new attendance policy that is slightly different than
in years past. If you are an individual holding a position, you are allowed 3 absences. If you are
holding a co-position, you are held to the same standard individually, but additionally, you are only
allowed 2 meetings where all of the co-position holders are all absent.
Weezie Lauher, ’10: Is this over the course of the year, or the semester?
Kendra Hayde, ’09: Over the course of the semester.
Patricia LeBron, ’09: Are these excused or unexcused absences?
Kendra Hayde, ’09: Unexcused will automatically cause us call for you to step down. Excused
absences will be treated on a case-by-case basis. That also brings up the fact that in order for an
absence to be excused, you need to email me prior to the start of the meeting. And it can’t just be that
you were out of town didn’t feel like coming back. You need to have legitimate reasons for missing
Marisa Franz, ’09: Can those meetings held at special times not be counted in these totals, because
people have to rearrange their schedules for them?
Kendra Hayde, ’09: Because there is only one meeting this semester that is being moved, I would say
that we will still count that in regular meetings, but again, I will take it on a case-by-case basis,
especially if it is excused and you notify me ahead of time.
Mawrk Notes
Kendra Hayde, ’09: You’ve all probably noticed that there were no Mawrk Notes for last meeting, for
a variety of reasons, but the largest of which is the fact that I felt conflicted as an elected member of
our community violating the Posting Policy by asking you all to post the Mawrk Notes in the
bathrooms. We like to put the Mawrk Notes somewhere that is not the SGA Board in each dorm, so
that those who would not traditionally seek out the SGA Board would still see what was going on at
SGA, but this is in violation of the Posting Policy. I just wanted to bring this to an Assembly vote as to
whether we wanted to continue this trend, and not make it a personal decision, but rather one that the
whole Assembly has agreed upon.
Sofia Nitchie, ’09: My frosh year, we did work on updated the posting policy, and that was one of the
things we talked about changing at the time. If we did vote on this here, I could take it to those who
actually oversee the posting policy and have them vote to change it there officially.
Patricia LeBron, ’09: Motion to vote.
Motion seconded.
Vote to allow Mawrk Notes to be posted in bathrooms:
In favor: 20; Against: 1; Abstentions: 1.
SGA Board
Katie Kellom, ’09: I just wanted to draw everyone’s attention to the fact that the SGA Board has been
updated. We are going to post the Candidates’ Forum minutes and the minutes from the meetings and
Mawrk Notes up there. We will also be installing a “Put Your Two Cents In” Box up there. We hope
that you all use it and look at it!
Amanda Cegielski, ’09: We now have an SGA website. Within the next week, the address
http://www.brynmawr.edu/sga will redirect to the website. There is an “about” section, and there is the
constitution, and now you can download the constitution to your own computer! There is also a
website for the Honor Code with a similar structure. And finally, there is an Elections website, where
you can watch Amber and Erica’s slide presentation from last week, and even save it as your screen
saver! Our contact info will be here.
Elise Nelson, ’09: There’s this new thing called “chatter” up on the BMC main page. Can you all
explain that?
Amanda Cegielski, ’09: It is essentially Bryn Mawr’s version of the Go Boards – you can add a topic,
post, etc., and your login is your email name and password.
A note about our websites that I forgot to mention – they are extremely easy to pass on to the next
Secretary and Honor Board Head and Elections Co-Heads, which is really helpful.
Christina Wagner, ’11: Will a link go up on the main page to these sites?
Kendra Hayde, ’09: Yes, since they are Bryn Mawr-hosted blogs, we can put them up on the main
page of the website.
Your Two Cents
Emily Reuman, ’11: Can we talk a little bit more about changing the posting policy?
Sofia Nitchie, ’09: As a point of information, Tuesday we go to talk to the group who can make
changes with regards to the posting policy. If we are making an exception to it, we will bring it to
them, and we will potentially make changes.
Deep Singh, ’09: We are having a Senior Class Fund-raising Committee meeting tonight at 9, so join
us all who are interested!
Shelley Gupta, ’09: The Plenary resolution writing workshop will be held directly following this
Motion to adjourn. Motion seconded.
Vote to adjourn:
In favor: 22; Against: 0; Abstentions: 0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:23 pm.